Print Creator

Feature Details

General Settings

Sets the form title seen by end-users. The logo displayed in the upper left and the use of favicon can be set as well, either by uploading a file or indicating a URL.


Sets the fields that the form displays. The number of options displayed in a multi-choice can be decreased and adjusted.

Kintone app

Sets the Kintone app you wish to connect, along with its API token. If you have set basic authentication to, input the username and password to basic authentication.

This setting also maps fields from Form Bridge to fields from Kintone. Forms with multiple Kintone apps as data destinations can be arranged here.

Error notification

Sets the details of the email sent to the administrator when a record fails to register to Kintone. Additional recipients can be added to the email through the Post-submission step settings.

Completion page

Sets up the completion page either with a completion message or with HTML. A confirmation screen can be added to appear after the response screen.

Auto reply bridge

Sets up the reply email sent to respondents. Data from the submission can be used within the email.

Mobile layout

Sets up the mobile layout. Forms can be selected to not be displayed when viewed from a mobile phone.

Step form

Creates a form with multiple pages. The title, description, and displayed fields can be selected for each page. Fields that you wish to not display can either be deleted or selected to not be displayed.

Branch form

Can display different fields when a conditional field is a certain field. Conditional fields can be one of the following: radio button, drop-down, check box, or multi-choice.


Sets up form displays for different language by setting corresponding key words. The form will display key words according to the browser's language settings.

Post-submission step

Sets up how the form handles a response. Among others, an error notification, auto reply bridge, and Kintone app that registers response data can be added.


Allows linking with kViewer. Inputting the API token generated from kViewer allows use of kViewer Lookup and My Page.

Print Creator

Allows linking with Print Creator. Print Creator reports can be used by inputting the URL displayed when outputting reports from Kintone. An output button will be displayed on the completion screen.


Sets access restrictions to the form. The number of responses, duration of response acceptance, basic authentication, and IP address restriction can be set.

Auto retry

Automatically retries when post-submission steps have failed. Can accept responses even when Kintone is undergoing maintenance.

Google Analytics

Analytics tracking can be set by registering the tracking ID for Google Analytics.


Allows users to upload CSS/JavaScript code that applies to the form. For further details, see Customize.