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Cascader Selection

What is Cascader Selection?

Cascader selection is the process of gradually narrowing down choices from a larger group of choices, such as by selecting gradually narrower categories and making a selection from the final choices. Depending on the settings, hierarchy selection can make it easier to make a final selection.

Setting Up Cascader Selection

Cascader selection has multiple setting options, as listed below.

Separately registering response data from each level

Data from each level of a cascader selection can be registered to separate fields, as seen below.

  1. create fieldIn the Kintone app, create a text (single-line) field for each level of the cascader selection. For example, a 3-level cascader selection with levels "Desktop or Laptop" -> "OS" -> "Maker" would require 3 text (single-line) fields.
  2. delete fieldAfter creating the corresponding form in Form Bridge, go to the Fields tab and delete the fields that correspond to step 1.
  3. add fieldAdd a cascader selection field and provide the desired options. The "+" button next to a field will create an option one cascader level down, and the "+" button below a field will create an option on the same level. The "x" button will delete an option.
  4. saveWithin Form Bridge, go to "Kintone app" and set the corresponding Kintone app fields that will save data from fields in Form Bridge. Each cascader level can be set to save to a separate field. Save the changes.
  5. testSubmit a test response to check that data from each level of the cascader selection is saved correctly in separate fields in the Kintone app.

Registering all response data to a single field

Data from each level of a cascader selection can be registered to a single field.

  1. choiceWhen creating the Kintone app, add either a check-box or multi-choice field. List the options from all levels of the cascader. For example, creating a 3-level cascader in Form Bridge ("Desktop or laptop" -> "OS" -> "Maker") would require the details of each level to be a separate option in the corresponding Kintone app field.
  2. delete fieldAfter creating the corresponding form in Form Bridge, go to the "Fields" tab and delete the fields that correspond to step 1.
  3. choiceAdd a cascader selection field and provide the desired options within the field settings. The "+" button next to a field will create an option one hierarchy level down, and the "+" button below a field will create an option on the same level. The "x" button will delete an option.
  4. saveWithin Form Bridge, go to the "Kintone app" tab and add one correspondance between a Form Bridge field and a Kintone app field. The Form Bridge field should have the field code "cascader" and the Kintone app field should be the check-box or multi-choice field created in step 1. Save the changes.
  5. testSubmit a test response to check that data from all levels of the cascader selection is saved correctly in a single field in the Kintone app.

Setting a Cascader Selection in a Table

Setting a cascader selection in a table requires instructions that are different from the ones listed above.

Separately registering response data from each level into a table

Data from each level of a cascader selection can be registered to separate fields within a table.

  1. create formIn the Kintone app, create a table that has a text (single-line) field for each level of the cascader selection. Then create the corresponding form in Form Bridge.
  2. cascader selectionIn Form Bridge go to the Fields tab and add a cascader selection within the table, setting the options according to the desired hierarchy structure.
  3. delete fieldStill under the Fields tab in Form Bridge, delete the text (single-line) fields that correspond to step 1.
  4. change the field codeIn the Kintone app, change the field code for the fields in the table that will record cascader selection information.
    field code for the cascader selectionField codes should be created according to the following rule: {{field code for the cascader selection in Form Bridge}}_split_cascader{{level number}}
    e.g. cascader_split_cascader_1
  5. testSubmit a test response to check that data from each level of the cascader selection is saved correctly in separate fields in the table in the Kintone app.

Registering all response data to a single field in a table

Data from each level of a cascader selection can be registered to a single field in a table.

  1. create formIn the Kintone app, create a table that has either a check box or multi-choice field. Then create the corresponding form in Form Bridge.
  2. cascader selectionIn Form Bridge, go to the Fields tab and add a cascader selection within the table, setting the options according to the desired hierarchy structure.
  3. delete fieldStill under the Fields tab in Form Bridge, delete the check box or multi-choice field that corresponds to step 1.
  4. change the field codeIn the Kintone app, change the field code for the table and check box or multi-choice field from step 1 to match the field code in Form Bridge for the table and cascader selection field, respectively.
  5. testSubmit a test response to check that data from all levels of the cascader selection is saved correctly in a single field in the table in the Kintone app.